Sunday, August 25, 2024

My top 5 sources for news!

Fox News is my first choice of information based on how quick they get information out. I receive messages on my phone before most of my surroundings do. Fox News is what my family watches the most and because of that, that association is my go to. 

New York Times is another source that I genuinely trust. Last spring we dove into the history on The New York Times, which led me to pay attention to more of the content they were producing. After keeping my eyes on them this summer, I would like to say that I am fully attached.

NBC News is a place I appreciate and will quickly jump to specifically because of the consistent updates. They are quick to get on the latest story, and they do a great job of summarizing situations when I do not have the time to research the full story. 

The Daily Wire  is a source I use for sources of news that do not have to do with politics. I enjoy the news that is given to me by this platform because it helps me keep up with the world outside of the presidential race. 

CNN is a source I use strictly to grasp a different perspective. CNN is knows for leaning far left, and within my family I typically only get more conservative news. I appreciate hearing other sides on politics to grow my perspective so I can then form my own opinion.

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